Monday, 22 March 2010


I've started looking around for a company to whom I'll sell my microgenerated units. I still have to determine whether the company I sell to has to be the same as the company I buy from. In fact, I still have to determine the exact nature of the finances involved.

From the various solar power sites I've read, I'm getting the impression that exported electricity not only gains a 3p (or is it 5p?) per unit payment above the 41.3p FiT payment, but that some companies might choose to give more to attract people like me. Certainly it seems that if they don't, my decision would surely be based on who sells the cheapest leccy. That would likely be the big boys. I do hope the smaller operators have something up their sleeve to tempt me to go to them.

Funny thing is that with the FiT arrangements just 10 days away, few companies seem to be rushing to gain my business. I trawled through some of the websites of large and small energy suppliers. The small companies sometimes mentioned FiTs but didn't have a policy towards them. The big boys just didn't seem to care. I'll keep an eye on this.

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