Friday, 5 November 2010

Zero point one!

This is October's report though it's now 5th November - Fireworks are going off all around. In the summer, I tried to predict what my lowest figure for a day's generation would be. I seem to remember guessing it would be one or two units. Yesterday came in at a paltry 0.1 kWh! Wow. It can hardly get any less. There have also been other days with 0.2 and 0.3 units and sunny days have peaked around seven units. Amazing how a heavy Atlantic front cuts out the light. Here is the graph of production thus far:

The profound reduction as we head into late autumn is very apparent. My 30-day average to today is 3.68 units while the average since I started has just gone below ten at 9.84 units. Still hoping it stays above 6.85 units come 18 May. Overall, I think the panels are performing to expectations or better. It will be interesting to see how much the deepening winter will cut the power further.

One other thing. I sent a meter reading to EDF on 13 September which should yield over £550. This has still to appear in my account. I phoned them after six weeks and it was nicely pointed out that payments can take up to 90 days. I hadn't expected that. At this rate, my summer peak will arrive in time for Christmas.